About the Difficulty of making Decissions…

It’s a common situation: you are hanging out with one or more than one person and after a time of lively or even delicate conversation one poses the question “So, what are we going to do now?”. Exactly in this question hides one of the deepest fears of mankind: Being responsible whether the next hours are going to be pleasant for everybody who does something at your suggestion. Instead of being responsible for an unsatisfied mood of all those present, the human being would rather prefer to stay unsociable and taciturn and spend the next hours on another person’s recommendation despite his own dissatisfaction. That your own depressive mood, which occurs out of your “lack of being responsible for something” might disturb the joy of the next hours, is of cause irrelevant. This initiates generally a moment of silence after the “so, what are we going to do now”-question is posed. The person who asks this question is inconceivably happy of being the first person who brings it up because this demonstrates already to everyone present his incompetence of planning the evening.

Somehow, every single person seems to forget that nothing disturbs and angers the other person as much as the answer “It’s equal to me – I would do anything you would like to do…”. One could translate this answer with “I’m an incompetent ass, who is not able to say what he really wants”.

The fact is that everybody prefers a person, who is able to make decisions. Every single person has deep longings and is reasonably happy as long as nobody gets to know them. This will definitely not lead to the amount of happiness that is in fact desired.

So let me say thank you to all those persons who are bold enough to say what they really would like to do.

(hehe, isn Klassiker

„Darling you gotta let me know

Should I stay or should I go“

„If I go there will be trouble

And if I stay there will be double“

„This indecision’s bugging me“ )


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Eine Antwort zu About the Difficulty of making Decissions…

  1. Unbekannt sagt:

    Ist es jetzt positiv oder negativ, dass ich mich darin wiederfinde…?

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