March part 1

What’s up homies?

Right now, I’m in the middle of examentime.

This kind of sucks…

Actualy, I did quite well on my first examens. However, biology sucked.

I wrote seven pages full of crap!!!!! And I still have to write about three more examens!!!!

In addition, I got all the weight back, which I lost  during the first weeks after my arrival. My ass is enormous!

So I decided to do some cross-country, today…

You see, I gtg now.

cya l8er

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Eine Antwort zu March part 1

  1. Franzi sagt:

    Und wenn du dir mal die Ärsche von manchen andern Leuten anguckst, ist der deine gradezu zierlich 🙂
    Ich find nicht, dass er dick ist.

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